Money And Inflation 1940'S
To provide an estimate of inflation we have given a guide to the value of $100 US Dollars for the first year in the decade to the equivalent in today's moneyIf you have $100 Converted from 1940 to 2005 it would be equivalent to $1433.77 today
In 1940 a new house cost $3,920.00 and by 1949 was $7,450.00
In 1940 the average income per year was $1,725.00 and by 1949 was $2,950.00
In 1940 a gallon of gas was 11 cents and by 1949 was 17 cents
In 1940 the average cost of new car was $850.00 and by 1949 was $1,420.00 More Cars and car prices from the 1940's
A few more prices from the 40's and how much things cost
100 aspirin 76 cents , Philco Refrigerator $239.00 , Pork Loin Roast per pound 45 cents , Nylon Hose 20 cents , New Emerson Bedroom Radio 1938 $19.65 < , Men's Suits from $24.50 , Portable electric heater $42.50 , Ford Super Deluxe Sedan Coupe $1395 , Sealey Mattress $38.00
Toys 1940sCheck out the new toys pages where you can see some of the children's toys that could be found that relected World War II with Model Plane Kits and Army Doctor/Nurses Kit. | ![]() |
Food Prices Clothes Prices Electrical Prices Furniture Prices
Example of a house for sale Example From Realty for sale in the 40's
1945 Income property Lincoln Nebraska 3 apartments furnished 2 separate baths automatic heat $5,300
Events 40'S
- First nuclear bomb that dramatically changed the war and international relationships between those who had the technology and those countries who did not
- VE Victory In Europe Celebrated May 8th
- VJ Victory In Japan Celebrated August 14th Which signals the end of World War II
- Following the end of the war during the second half of the 40's marked the beginning of the East-West conflict and the Cold War.
- One of the gains from the war was the setting up of the United Nations to help negotiate and manage future world conflicts
- Countries gaining independence from the UK included Pakistan and India
- NATO / North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, was formed by the major western powers for collective security and established in 1949
- Following the continued growth of Jewish refugees and settlers to Israel during the war, in 1948 the region became embroiled in Arab-Israeli War
- After achieving the independence he so desired for his country On January 30, 1948, on his way to a prayer meeting, Gandhi was shot dead
Forties Popular Culture
The late 30's and The war in the 40's changed many things and one of those was how black sportsmen became popular heroes and paved the way for future generations, these included Joe Louis ( Boxer ), Jesse Owens ( Runner ) and Jackie Robinson ( Baseball Player ). Find Out More About The History Of Baseball including the Jackie Robinson and other great playersSome of the Most Well Known Movie Stars of the Forties
Clark Gable couple of his films from the 40's
The Hucksters and
Bob Hope couple of his films from the 40's
Bing Crosby couple of his films from the 40's
Humphrey Bogart couple of his films from the 40's
Abbott and Costello couple of films from the 40's
Gary Cooper couple of his films from the 40's
Spencer Tracy couple of his films from the 40's
James Cagney couple of his films from the 40's
Music From The 40's
- Rhythm and blues Music becomes popular and the beginnings of Rock and roll
World War II 1940'S
The Forties were dominated by World War II , and after a long period of Economic Recession throughout the world, starting with Wall Street Crash in 1929 and through most of the 30's, the world would be a different place after the 2nd world war ended. As so often happens during war technological advances in any technology that is seen to provide some advantage jump in leaps and bounds the 40's provide some of the best examplesAmerica helped fun the war by issueing War Savings Bonds, for each $75.00 American's invested 10 years later they would pay out $100.00
The first ever use of a Nuclear Bomb during wartime when the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
Major advancements in radar to help with tracking Enemy aircraft which after the war changed the aviation industry
The improvements in the use of Jet Engines
The use of unmanned rockets as a weapon ( V2 ) to carry bombs
Mans inhumanity to Man exceeded anything preceding with the use of concentration camps as part of "The Holocaust " the name applied to the systematic state-sponsored persecution and genocide of the Jews
More About Hiroshima
Sporting Changes In The 40'S
BaseballBaseball Stars are quick to join the forces and fight for their country
Following the end of world war II Jackie Robinson signed a contract to play first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking the color barrier in baseball.
Other Leagues created earlier fall by the wayside and the National Basketball Association NBA comes to the fore
Association Football (Soccer)
The famous Latin goal call is first heard, when Brazilian radio announcer Rebelo Junior. shouts (GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL) during a soccer match.
American Football
Notre Dame / Fighting Irish win four championships
The platoons introduced using different players for offense and defense
Ice Hockey
Rocket Richard
The center red line Introduced
The first All-Star Ice Hockey game
The first All-Star Ice Hockey game
For More Sporting history, Origins, Events and Changes, Please Check Out Our New Sports History Section.
Technology From The Forties
- Jet Engines, Radar and Nuclear Fission technological advances due to the war
- Colossus, the world's first totally electronic and digital computer
- First Supersonic faster than sound Flight ( Chuck Yager )
- First Transistor developed
Inventions The Year Invented Inventors and Country ( or attributed to First Use )
45 rpm Record ----- 1949 USA
Artificial Intelligence ----- 1947 England by Alan Turing
Atomic Bomb ----- 1945 USA by Robert Oppenheimer's team
Atomic Power ----- 1942 USA by Enrico Fermi's team creating first self-sustaining chain reaction
Aqualung ----- 1943 France by J Cousteau and E Gagnon
Automation ----- 1946 USA by Henry Ford
Computer ----- 1948 England by Freddie William's team
Guided Missile ----- 1942 Germany by Werner von Braun
Hologram ----- 1947 Hungary by Denis Gabor
Kidney Dialysis ----- 1944 Netherlands by Willem Kolff
Long Playing Record LP ----- 1948 USA made of vinyl and played at 33 rpm
Microwave Oven ----- 1946 USA by Percy L Spencer
Mobile Phone ----- 1947 USA
Napalm ----- 1942 USA from Harvard University
Transistor ----- 1947 USA from Bell Laboratories
Velcro ----- 1948 Switzerland by George deMestral