Twitter: #CRConf![facebook-logo]() ![wednesday]() | 6:00 | Registration | 8:00 | Welcome Drink | | | ![thursday]() | AUDITORIUM | 9:00 | Opening of 32nd Annual ConferencePresenting Circom and Conference Team Goran Radman, Director General, HRT Jean-Marc Dubois, President CIRCOM Regional | 9:15 | Regional Public Service: Matter of Trust Goran Radman, Director General, HRT George Prokopakis, NERIT, Greece Jean-Marc Dubois, President CIRCOM Regional, FTV Johan Lindén, Secretary General CIRCOM Regional, SVT Trust is the most valuable asset for us in Public Service Media. Trust is something we have to earn every day. We are totally dependent on the trust from the audience. If we have their trust, we also gain more editorial freedom; but trust can also be very easily lost. All over Europe, public service media and media institutions are being discussed and attacked; we are not efficient enough, we spend our money in the wrong way, we have a negative market impact, and we are too little or much too dependent on the political system. Questions are numerous and somehow they all boil down to one thing; that is, trust. In this session we will discuss the matter of trust with George Prokopakis, CEO of NERIT, who in six months has to rebuild, from the ground up, the Public Service Broadcasting of Greece since ERT was closed. Goran Radman, General Director of HRT, will join the discussion. HRT is going through big changes at a time when the trust of the audience and the region have in the company, need to be kept. Moderators: Johan Lindén, Secretary General CIRCOM Regional and Jean-Marc Dubois, President CIRCOM Regional. | 10:00 | Media Life and Work of Journalist Keynote speaker: Prof. Mark Deuze, University of Amsterdam Mark Deuze, Professor of Journalism at the University of Amsterdam presents his research showing how urgent it has become to understand the reality of how all aspects of life have converged with media. Deuze uses the term media life as a life is completely immersed in media where all our experiences are underpinned and overarched by media, and explores how this context can shape and inform the work of journalists. With Mato Brautović, Professor of Journalism at University of Dubrovnik and Nikki O'Donnell, BBC Moderator: Richel Bernsen, ROOS | 11:00 | Coffee break | 11:15 | Best Practice in Social Media and Online Community in Regional Broadcasting Producer and moderator: Bláthnaid Healy, Online Media Consultant How are regional European broadcasters using social media and interacting with their audiences online? How are audiences using social media right now? In this session we’ll examine and provide some answers to those questions and we’ll look at some particularly interesting case studies. Eivind Undrum Jabobsen of NRK Nordland about the use of Instagram in news production. Rens Van Stralen of RTV Noord discussing online community and the crowdsourcing app built to detect earthquakes in their region. Ewa Wolniewicz, TVP Wroclaw, about use of Facebook and YouTube | 12:00 | What is Region without a Public Service Broadcaster? Regional Televison at Stake! As a result of the financial crisis, regional television all over Europe is currently facing severe conditions: some stations have closed down, some are suffering from hard financial cut backs, others are being reorganised. The landscape of regional broadcasting is rapidly evolving, especially in some countries, and there is a need to reflect on what the main changes are, where they are going and will there be effects on European democracy, pluralism and diversity or on the importance of creative industries in the regions. What is the future of Public Regional Television? Panelists: Vedran Benić, HRT Dubrovnik Jean Marc Dubois, France 3 Marcel Oude Wesselink, RTV Oost, Netherlands Siniša Isakov, RTV Vojvodina, Serbia Fernando Ojea, TV Galicia, Spain Anna Dyda, TVP, Poland Moderator: Fernando Ojea, CRTVG | 13:00 | Lunch break | 14:30 | Public Service: External and Internal Pressure Who pressures our media? Are politicians guilty of all of our troubles? How idealistic are we in our faith that we are untouchable? Who is producing gossip published about our media in tabloids or on the web? Why do citizens need public service media? How do we try to convince them that we are not less productive and less efficient than the commercial media? Do we know how to recognize internal pressures inside our media: structure of the employees, working and operational costs, professional standards, editorial guidelines? “Development of a profession” or “developments of a job” are two new categories in HRM: some employers are convinced that “development of a profession” is something not to be granted with better payment? Can you recognize your media in these questions? George Prokopakis, Director General of NERIT, Greece Regine Kramer, Director of Partnership, AER Ulf Morten Davidsen NRK, Norway Tena Perišin HRT, Croatia "Devil's advocate" will be Zoran Medved, RTVSLO, Slovenia | 15:15 | Coffee break | 15:30 | Investigative Journalism Session: Check your Facts! Two of Europe’s leading investigative journalists present the tough reality of investigative journalism. Our two award winning speakers are working at the cutting edge of investigative journalism. In this session, they will share some of their stories, outline the effects their investigations had in their own countries and also detail the amount of work and effort required to bring a story from idea to transmission and the need at all times to check your facts. Paul Maguire, RTÉ, Head of Investigations Unit Hans Peterson Hammer, SVT Vastnytt Michael Lally, RTÉ | 17:00 | end of day one | 20:00 | PRIX CIRCOM GALA | | | CONFERENCE ROOM 1 | 12:00 | European Elections Political Workshop What have we done? How do we do it? A discussion on how we report on European Elections; how to cover Presidential Debate; how to be innovative and creative? How election coverage could be more interesting and engaging to their audiences? What facilities and support are available in the run-up to the May 22nd European elections and beyond? What is the feedback of the CIRCOM political workshops organized with the support of European Parliament? What is the feedback of the participants? Panellists: Mia Costello, BBC Alexandre Pletser, RTBF Fernando Carbajo, Head of the Audiovisual Unit, DG COMM, European Parliament Karol Cioma, CIRCOM Training Project Manager ... and attendees of the European Elections Political Workshops Moderator: Johan Lindén, Secretary General CIRCOM Regional, SVT | 14:30 | Bring your phone and connect with CIRCOM! Workshop with Bláthnaid Healy, Online Media Consultant and Tonja Stojanac, CIRCOM Secretariat, IT support We want to find out what you want from CIRCOM outside of what the organisation does offline. At this informal feedback session/workshop you can share your views on how best CIRCOM can engage online. | 15:15 | Coffee break | 15:30 | Regional Co-production: How do I see my Neighbour Tanja Šimić, HRT Rastislav Durman, RTV Vojvodina | 16:00 | Sharing the Harvest – A new Circom programme exchange for Traditional Music TG4, Ireland and TVG, Galicia present a new theme for programme exchange – MUSIC! Mass-audience musical formats have become the new battleground of national TV stations that have big budgets and deep pockets. Music performance formats are proven achieve the highest ratings and also attract the engagement and interactivity of younger audiences. They provide the basis for genuine 360 degree coverage on all platforms. Apply this to a programme exchange at regional level and we clearly have a winning format: - Performance items from bands or individuals which have a highly visual and entertaining style which can be edited together to produce a music magazine format. - No language or subtitle barriers! - Indigenous music styles or modern interpretations of indigenous styles preferred but must have appeal to international audiences. - Items can be linked by member stations’, own presenter(s) and tailored to their own audiences. - Emphasis on artists / performers with high profile and international fame. Alexandre Pletser, Programme Co-ordinator, RTBF, Fernando Ojea, TVG, Galicia and Bláthnaid Healy, Online Media Consultant Moderator: Proinsias Ní Ghráinne, TG4, Ireland | 17:00 | end of day one | | | ![friday]() | AUDITORIUM | 9:00 | EBU: Narrowing the Gap? Claudio Cappon, EBU Vice President Johan Lindén, Secretary General CIRCOM Regional with Leila Babović, Head of International and Legal Affairs, BHRT What is EBU doing to help public broadcasters who are under financial or political pressure? | 9:30 | Journalism and Technology Predictions 2014. Keynote speaker: Nic Newman, digital strategist from Reuters Thomson Foundation Mobile and social trends will continue to drive technical, content and product innovation in 2014. Ovarall we see a continued move towards more visual ways of communications. Moderator: Tena Perišin, CIRCOM Vice President, HRT | 10:15 | Journalists who Make a ChangeWith Investigative Journalism Prix CIRCOM Winner and Commended Good journalism is the key for the survival of public service. This is what makes us better and distinctive. Public service has an obligation to find resources and support journalists ready to serve as watchdogs. In this session, we introduce the team from BBC London who won the Prix CIRCOM Investigative Journalism trophy with its report into illegal discrimination against non-whites seeking to rent housing in London and also the commended investigative team from SVT Orebro. Also in the session, introducing one more journalist who made a change in her country - Nataliya Gumenyk. Nataliya is one of the faces and co-founder of Hromadske.TV (the word hromadske means public), a web TV launched in November 2013, at the time of the protests in Ukraine. She left mainstream Ukrainian media after 11 years as a professional journalist to start her own public service. At that time, they were completely unaware that they would become a new voice in the media landscape. Moderator: Bob Collins, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland | 11:00 | How we report on Ukrainian Crisis? How do the principles of objectivity and impartiality and fairness co-exist with the kind of upheavals that we have seen and still see in Ukraine? Whose version of events prevails? How does a national narrative emerge? Can there be such a thing as a national narrative in a divided society? Can complex questions of identity, allegiance and loyalty be recognised when the consensus appears to unravel? Do broadcasters owe a first duty to the country or to the audience? What role do regulators have to play? Panelists: Nataliya Gumenyuk, Ukrainian journalist, founder of the new Ukrainian public channel Mirjana Rakić, Council of Electronic Media, Croatia, International News TV Commentator Bob Collins, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland | 11:30 | Coffee break | 11:45 | A BBC Perspective on Integration and Multiplatform – a panel In this panel, we will explore how a state of the art news centre at New Broadcasting House transformed thinking on sharing, multi-skilling and closer work between teams responsible for the network, regional and local news. We will also look at how the regional teams approach multi-skilling and how they work with colleagues at network. Guests: Guy Pehlam. Media Consultant Antony Dore, BBC London Moderator: Nikki O'Donnell | 12:30 | Reinventing Regional Newsrooms Jyri Kataja-Rahko, YLE Tone Kunst, NRK How Finnish Public Broadcaster (YLE) is engaging its audience. Have a look at their social media application Newsguard! How do Finns crowd-source dangerous crossroads? NRK is one of the first brands in Norway also because of its regional news. NRK Regions have had integrated newsrooms for more than a decade. They are changing their ways of working once again as mobile is boosting. Less TV, more web, mobile and social media! Moderator: Nikki O’Donnell, BBC | 13:00 | Lunch break | 14:00 | Coffee with the Winners | 14:30 | Upgrading regional news to complete the public service mission in a new media landscape Through centralized technology decentralized journalism. How every single reporter becomes VJ in the Swedish regions SVT localizes editorial staff so that they are present in more locations with the journalists, centralizes the transmissions to hubs so that fewer people are needed in the technological parts of the SVT. Christina Agren, Head of SVT Regional News, SVT Geronimo Akerlund, Head of Stockholm Regional News (ABC), SVT | 15:15 | Coffee break | 15:30 | Co-production: Project "European Citizenship" Meet the Winnersand Discuss Editorial Challenges CIRCOM Regional has found a successful way to challenge and create cooperation & coproduction projects in order to enhance the level of collaboration among its members. The European Citizenship project was granted by the European Parliament in March 2013 and launched in May 2013, during the 31st Annual Conference in Santiago de Compostela. The Citizenship Co-production Project is creating a unique opportunity for several European regional stations to work together, produce and exchange stories on common themes related to European Citizenship in spite of differences in language, cultural background, editorial approaches and TV formats. With the European Parliament support, an award was made to the entry judged best in the CIRCOM European Citizenship Co-Production. The stories produced are about real people living in real situations and facing real problems. This is what the judges have underlined in their choice of winner and commended. It is hoped that the exposure of the Special Category of the Prix will encourage more CIRCOM stations to join in and widen their success. The winner is RTBF (Belgium) for “Disabled People’s Sexuality” made by Dominique Burge. The commended is TVR Timisoara (Romania) for “Bradet” made by Diana Bogea. Panel: Alexandre Pletser RTBF, Belgium, Tena Perisin HRT, Croatia, Gudrun Gutt ORF, Austria, Guy Pelham, Media UK, Karol Cioma, CIRCOM trainer, UK With Fernando Carbajo, Head of the Audiovisual Unit, DG COMM, European Parliament and Barbara Roffi, Head of the Promotion Sector, Audiovisual Unit, DG COMM Also in the session: presenting European Parliament Elections Coverage Workshop and EP audiovisual facilities for the presidential debate and Elections Night Moderator: Mia Costello, BBC | 16:30 | Video Journalism Today – What One Must Know? Presenting Prix Winner and Commended Mobile Journalism (MoJo) Trainees Session Meet Phillip Norton, from BBC Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, winner of the Prix award for Video Journalism and also Philip Bromwell, from RTÉ, the commended video journalist. Also in the session, look at the result of the CIRCOM Mobile Journalism training. Five days before the Conference, CIRCOM organised and delivered, in Dubrovnik, Mobile Journalism (MoJo) training to 12 journalists representing 11 countries from across Europe. Using smartphones, journalists produced news stories about the local community of Dubrovnik and the area. Meet them and watch their MoJo stories. Moderator: Karol Cioma, CIRCOM Training Project Manager | 17:30 | Announcing 33rd CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference Dundalk, Ireland 2015 Michael Lally, RTÉ | 17:45 | Closing Session | | | CONFERENCE ROOM 1 | 10:30 | Meet the Winners: Sport The BBC Midlands winning sports team (and previous winners of this category) talk about Late Kick Off and there is a chance to hear from commended programme from NRK Trondelag about achieving sporting fitness. Session chair: Ulf Morten Davidsen, NRK | 11:00 | How children are groomed for illegal sex among Asians in London. The background to the investigation from the BBC London team. Also, from TG4, the programme about the complex relationship between the Irish immigrants and the Aboriginal Australians. Session chair: Karoline Norlander, SVT Norrkoping | 11:30 | Coffee break | 11:45 | Meet the Winners: Grand Prix Meet the maker of “the best of the best”, announced at the gala show the previous evening. Who will it be? Session chair: Jean-Christian Spenle, France3 | 12:30 | Meet the Winners: Rising Star Meet tomorrow’s top talent for regional television: Line Jansrud, science presenter from NRK Trondelag, and Ondrej Havlik, from CTV Ostrava. Session chair: Ulf Morten Davidsen, NRK | 13:00 | Lunch break | 14:30 | Meet the Winners: Magazine & News Magazine The winning entry is an unusual magazine programme about seafarers from France 3 Basse Normandie. Also there’s a chance to meet the team behind the daily magazine programme for the largest UK region – BBC London. Session chair: Zoran Medved, RTVSLO Maribor Category sponsor: SVT | 15:00 | Meet the Winners: Fiction/Drama Winners for the second year in succession are BNT Bulgaria – this time with a political drama The Fourth Estate. How do they sustain their success on small budgets? TVP3 Wroclaw also explain the story behind The Orchestra. Is it possible for regions to afford and produce drama? Session chair: Máire Aoibhinn Ní Ógáin, TG4 | 15:30 | Meet the Winners: Documentary Programme This is the most popular category of the Prix. Onstage, winners RTV Oost from The Netherlands – Does God Love Women? - and Georgia Public Broadcaster with I’m a Little Georgian. There are many issues about documentary production to examine. Session chair: Jean-Christian Spenle, France 3 | 16:00 | | | | ![saturday]() | 9:00 till 14:00 | Boat Excursion to Dubrovnik |